Latest news from NRI at the University of Greenwich
We are very pleased to welcome the following new appointments under our Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (FaNSI) and other projects:
- Tilman Brück, Professor of Food Security, State Fragility and Climate Change
- Alessandro (Alex) De Pinto, Professor of Climate Change & Food Security
- Christopher Ksoll, Associate Professor of Behavioural Sciences (Food & Nutrition Security)
- M. Mofakkarul Islam, Senior Research Fellow in Behavioural Sciences (Food & Nutrition Security)
- Tania Martinez Cruz, Research Fellow in Anthropology/Public Health/Development Studies
- Huiyi Yang, Research Fellow in Agri-environmental Modelling,
as well as other new colleagues in the agricultural, environmental and food sciences.
We would also like to congratulate Andy Frost, Head of the Food and Markets Department, on his appointment as Professor, and Apurba Shee, Business Development Economist, on his promotion to Associate Professor.
During the last year we have had five awards of PhDs in development studies, congratulations to:
- Rosemary Gumba: Structuring Client Voice in Microfinance Institutions in Kenya
- Wardah Hasyim: Recovering from Disaster: livelihood recovery strategies in tsunami-affected areas of Aceh, Indonesia
- Barbara Ofori-Kyereh: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Ghanaian Crop Farmers in Response to Climate Variability and Change
- Boniface Orum: Partnerships for Agricultural Innovation: assessing linkages between farmers’ groups and key Agricultural Innovation System actors in Uganda
- Frank Tchuwa: Pushing Boundaries of Farmer Participation: an analysis of farmer-centred approaches applied in interventions supporting soil health management in smallholder maize-legume farming systems of Malawi.
New Publications
NRI staff have authored or co-authored two Viewpoint pieces in the new World Development special issue on Pandemics, COVID19, and Sustainability and Development:
- Brickell, K., Picchioni, F., Natarajan, N., Guermond, V., Parsons, L., Zanello, G., & Bateman, M. (2020). Compounding crises of social reproduction: Microfinance, over-indebtedness and the COVID-19 pandemic. World Development,136,105087
- Morton, J. (2020). On the Susceptibility and Vulnerability of Agricultural Value Chains to COVID-19. World Development,136,105132
Other recent publications include :
- Ahimbisibwe, B. P., and other authors including Morton, J. and Wellard, K. (2020). Household welfare impacts of an agricultural innovation platform in Uganda. Food and Energy Security, e225.
- Asindu, M., Ouma, E., Elepu, G., & Naziri, D. (2020). Farmer demand and willingness-to-pay for sweetpotato silage-based diet as pig feed in Uganda. Sustainability, 12(16),6452
- Atkins, A., Byrd, K.A., Pincus, L., Naziri, D. Agboola, J.O ,& Yossa, R. (2020). Fish, roots, tubers and bananas: opportunities and constraints for agri-food system integration. Sustainability 18(4): 334-350
- Bechoff, A., Forsythe, L., Njau, M., Martin, A., Audifas, G., Abass, A., & Tomlins, K. (2020). Women eat more rice and banana: the influence of gender and migration on staple food choice in East Africa. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 1-19
- Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Ordinola, M., & Naziri, D. (2020). Enhancing value chain innovation through collective action: Lessons from the Andes, Africa, and Asia. In H. Campos and O. Ortiz (eds.) The Potato Crop: Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind (pp. 75-106) Springer, Cham, open access at
- Forsythe, L., Tufan, H., Bouniol, A., Kleih, U., & Fliedel, G. (2020). An interdisciplinary and participatory methodology to improve user acceptability of root, tuber and banana varieties. International Journal of Food Science & Technology
- Gatto , A. (2020) A pluralistic approach to economic and business sustainability: A critical meta‐synthesis of foundations, metrics, and evidence of human and local development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27(4): 1525-1539
- Honfozo, L., Adinsi, L., Bouniol, A., Adetonah, S., Forsythe, L., Kleih, U., Hounhouigan, H., Fliedel, G. & Akissoe, N. H. (2020). Boiled yam end‐user preferences and implications for trait evaluation. International Journal of Food Science & Technology
- Ndegwa, M. K., Shee, A., Turvey, C. G., & You, L. (2020). Uptake of insurance-embedded credit in presence of credit rationing: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Kenya. Agricultural Finance Review
- Po, J. Y., & Hickey, G. M. (2020). Cross-scale relationships between social capital and women’s participation in decision-making on the farm: A multilevel study in semi-arid Kenya. Journal of Rural Studies, 78, 333-349.
- Prain, G., Wheatley, C., Odsey, C., Verzola, L., Bertuso, A., Roa, J., & Naziri, D. (2020). Development partnerships for scaling complex innovation: Lessons from the Farmer Business School in IFAD-supported loan-grant collaborations in Asia. Agricultural Systems, 182, 102834
- Srinivasan, C. S., Zanello, G., Nkegbe, P., Cherukuri, R., Picchioni, F., Gowdru, N., & Webb, P. (2020). Drudgery reduction, physical activity and energy requirements in rural livelihoods. Economics & Human Biology, 37, 100846
- Zanello, G., Srinivasan, C. S., Picchioni, F., Webb, P., Nkegbe, P., Cherukuri, R., & Neupane, S. (2020). Physical activity, time use, and food intakes of rural households in Ghana, India, and Nepal. Scientific Data, 7(1), 1-10.