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We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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We have around 1,000 members, made up of individuals and around 40 institutions

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Our conference this year is themed "Social justice and development in a polarising world"

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New titles from Polity Press

Polity is an international publisher in the social sciences and humanities and their list features some of the world’s leading thinkers. Polity combines the publication of original, cutting-edge work of the highest quality with a systematic programme of textbooks and course books for students and scholars in further and higher education.

This is a concise, critical introduction to development studies written by a sociology expert and the World Bank’s Lead Social Scientist. Written for a global audience and comprehensive in its approach, the book offers an engaging analysis of the key players, influences and institutions involved in the development process worldwide. The author encourages readers to constantly question international development and endeavour to overcome its challenges with optimism.

Reviews of International Development: Navigating Humanity’s Greatest Challenge

“Michael Woolcock delivers a rare combination of gifts: the enduring insights of a scholar, the practical wisdom of a practitioner, and the passion of a change-maker. For anyone on the ‘epic adventure’ of international development, this is an essential guide to how we got here, where we should go, and why we strive.” Yuen Yuen Ang, author of How China Escaped the Poverty Trap and China’s Gilded Age

“More than any social researcher I know, Woolcock understands the architecture and dynamics of complex social change. His experience making pragmatic and theoretical sense of development results in a highly engaging, thoughtful, and eloquent book.” Sanjeev Sridharan, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and University of Toronto.

DSA members are entitled to a discount on this title: use code P2022 before 31/05/2023.


This is a novel economic sociological perspective on international development, uncovering what economic development means and requires for developing countries in a broad sociological context. The book is a global investigation of the practices and outcomes of development in different places and times – investigating key drivers and challenges of development and underdevelopment, including economic terms, climate change and identity politics.

Reviews for The Economic Sociology of Development 

“Conventional economic and sociological explanations portray development as a struggle pitting people and countries against one another. Schrank pushes them aside to craft a fresh analysis of the structure and dynamics of the international economy and national development strategies. This accessible, erudite book stresses that development is both a sociocultural process and an economic and political one, showing students and scholars how future prospects for development can be viewed differently. An exciting contribution.” Woody Powell, Stanford University

“Andrew Schrank surveys a kaleidoscope of influential concepts and theories while persuasively arguing for a distinctive economic sociology of development. This thorough, accessible book will be a valuable addition to both graduate and undergraduate courses, generating many stimulating class discussions.” Sarah Babb, Boston College.

DSA members are entitled to a discount on this title: use code P2022 before 31/05/2023.