Practical Action Publishing, latest titles: February 2025
Voices of Activists and Academics: Working with children in communities
Vicky Johnson, Tessa Lewin, Andrew West
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‘This inspirational book brings to a wide audience the voices, views and visions of children, and those who work with and support them, through research and interventions in a diverse range of contexts. Putting children and youth at the centre, it makes an important contribution to attaining child and youth rights and intergenerational justice.’ Professor Peter Taylor, Acting Director, Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
This book is inspired by the dedication of people across global contexts who have worked with children in communities to improve their lives. In its chapters, they share a vision where conditions are improved to attain child and youth rights and intergenerational justice.
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Backyard Bankers: Immigrants, money clubs, and the pursuit of the American dream
Jeffrey Ashe, Kim Wilson
For anyone interested in understanding the determination, discipline and resourcefulness of immigrants to pursue the American Dream, Backyard Bankers is a must read.’ Joanna Ledgerwood, Author of ‘The New Microfinance Handbook’ and ‘Making Market Systems Work for the Poor’
Discover the world of immigrant ‘money clubs’ in the US. Learn how groups of migrants and refugees creatively pool resources to first survive—putting food on the table—then thrive as they expand their businesses and invest in real estate. In today’s climate of economic difficulty, these smart, community-focused solutions are more important than ever.
Sustaining and Scaling Up Community Managed Wwater
Jeff Tan, Stephen M. Lyon, Attaullah Shah
This book examines the key features, performance and limitations of the community-based water management (CBWM) model through the case study of the Water and Sanitation Extension Programme (WASEP) – a successful community-managed scheme that has delivered clean piped drinking water to over 450 mainly rural settlements in Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern Pakistan.
Development and Disasters: Natural hazards and vulnerability reduction
James Lewis, Ilan Kelman
‘This book deepens the understanding that disasters stem from human-made vulnerabilities rather than natural events. Through thoughtful writing and rich historical examples, the authors vividly illustrate how development processes often create and perpetuate these vulnerabilities. The book underscores the crucial need to integrate vulnerability reduction into development practices to mitigate the impact of future disasters. Essential reading for policymakers, practitioners, and scholars alike.’
Bruce D Malamud, Director, Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience, Durham University
Young and Female: International perspectives on the future of farming
Sharada Srinivasan, Pan Lu, Aprilia Ambarwati
Women’s roles in sustaining and the revival of farming are indispensable. Based on research in Canada, China, India and Indonesia, the book offers a global perspective on young women’s pathways into farming. It responds directly to concerns about the generational sustainability of smallholder farming worldwide. Despite their crucial contribution to the reproduction of farming and its belated recognition in policy discourse, women farmers continue to face constraints in access to agrarian resources and services, and recognition as farmers in their own right.
Untold Stories of Disablement and Displacement provides a compelling look at the authentic experiences of Syrian refugees with disabilities. Their stories of migration and disability are often ignored in public discussions and academic research. These families were forced to leave their homes due to violence, poverty, and persecution. After resettling in Canada, their stories often went unnoticed, overshadowed and misrepresented by the dominant narrative.

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