Our Aims and Objectives

We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is Development Studies

What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our Members

We have around 1,000 members, made up of individuals and around 40 institutions

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The DSA Conference is an annual event which brings together the development studies community

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Our conference this year is themed "Social justice and development in a polarising world"

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Past Conferences

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Study Groups

Our Study Groups offer a chance to connect with others who share your areas of interest

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Students and ECRs

Students and early career researchers are an important part of our community

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Our book series with OUP and our relationship with other publishers

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North-South Research

A series of workshops exploring North-South interdisciplinary research with key messages and reports

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Membership Directory

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ODI, May news

Think Change podcast: is democracy really in retreat? Is democracy really in retreat? ODI’s latest Think Change podcast examines the threats it faces today and looks back at last month’s Summit for Democracy.

Living with climate change, conflict and displacement: recognising agency, voice, mobility, language and linkages This new policy brief builds on two years of research to explore the impacts on affected communities when climate change, conflict and displacement occur at the same time and in the same location.

A fair share of resilience finance for Small Island Developing States Until now, it was unclear how much and which types of climate and development finance were being allocated to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to build resilience. This paper provides clear evidence of the gap between vulnerability and allocation of finance.

As UK public attitudes toward migration are increasingly positive, it’s time for more balanced and evidence-based narratives Despite hostile political narratives, the British public are increasingly positive about immigration – a trend in line with other European countries. ODI’s Claire Kumar and IOM’s Christa Rottensteiner assess these changing attitudes in a new blog.

Prospects for aid in 2023: a watershed moment or business as usual? A review of annual official development assistance (ODA) for 2022.