Mentoring African ECR for writing skills
University of Sussex partners in writing mentorship
A writing and publishing partnership between the University of Sussex, the University of Lesotho and the University of the Free State was recently funded by the British Academy and hosted in Lesotho.
The three-day writing and publishing workshop focused on dismantling epistemic and systemic challenges to writing and publishing through a mentorship programme for early career scholars in Southern Africa.
The programme had 10 participants who were guided by mentors for 6 months to produce draft papers which they presented at a workshop for critical feedback.
Lecturers and PGRs from the National University of Lesotho also joined the workshop, adding productive engagement around the draft presentations and discussions on topics related to publishing and writing including:
- navigating the social and academic as an early career/upcoming scholar
- conference a culture
- finding a future career in academia
- grant writing techniques
- choosing and identifying a journal and the technicalities of getting your paper published

Group of ECR mentoring participants stand outside the University