ID LSE News, Events & Publications – May
The Wellcome Award extended to 2024
The Department of International Development is proud to announce that the Wellcome Award in MSc Health and International Development has been extended to 2024! This means more fully funded scholarships for the very best students seeking a career in health-related social science research. You can find out more about the award here.
“Can Taxes Improve Politics?” with Jonathan Weigel
In this episode for the Political Economy Forum Podcast, Dr Jonathan Weigel discusses his work on taxation and state capacity with Forum Affiliate Morgan Wack. Throughout the episode Jonathan discusses his work aimed at improving the efficacy of tax collection efforts alongside officials in the DRC.
Dr Sohini Kar on India’s female entrepreneurs in the FT
Dr Sohini Kar was interviewed for a recent article on India’s female entrepreneurs in the Financial Times about her research on microfinance in India and warns that microfinance loans do not always have a transformative effect or help women realise their entrepreneurial dreams: “The loans were taken often for consumption needs, like to pay for school fees for children…It doesn’t fundamentally change gender relations within the household.”
Research Officer Africa at LSE
The Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa is recruiting for a Research Officer. The successful candidate will conduct and publish research on topics related to responses to COVID-19 interventions in Europe and other regions. Deadline is 12 May 2021.
The Geopolitics of Health in the Middle East
Monday 10 May 2021 12:00pm to 1:30pm (UK time)
Regional politics in the Middle East continues to have a cumulative impact on health, affecting health systems capacity and delivery of services. Speakers include LSE ID’s Dr Tiziana Leone. Register here.
Boone, Catherine, Lukalo, Fibian and Joireman, Sandra (2021) Promised land: settlement schemes in Kenya, 1962 to 2016. Political Geography.
Hanrieder, Tine and Galesne, Claire (2021) Domestic humanitarianism: the Mission France of Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde. Third World Quarterly.
Weigand, Florian (2021) Warlord survival: the delusion of state building in Afghanistan. Civil Wars. ISSN 1369-8249
Postigo, Antonio (2021) Utilization of GSP schemes as a political and economic determinant of the utilization of North-South FTAs. Review of International Political Economy
Gallien, Max and Weigand, Florian (2021) Channeling contraband – how states shape international smuggling routes. Security Studies. ISSN 0963-6412
Faciolince, María and Green, Duncan (2021) One door opens: another door shuts? Development and Change, 52 (2). 373 – 382. ISSN 0012-155X
Leone, Tiziana, Hammoudeh, Weeam, Mitwali, Susan, Lewis, David, Kafri, Rawan, Lin, Tracy, Giacaman, Rita and Coast, Ernestina (2021) Redefining deprivation in a conflict area: learning from the Palestinian experience using mixed methods. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series (47). LSE Middle East Centre, London, UK.
Wouters, Olivier J, Shadlen, Kenneth C, Salcher-konrad, Maximilian, Pollard, Andrew J, Larson, Heidi J, Teerawattananon, Yot and Jit, Mark (2021) Challenges in ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines: production, affordability, allocation, and deployment. The Lancet. ISSN 0140-6736
Sampat, Bhaven N. and Shadlen, Kenneth C. (2021) The Covid-19 innovation system. Health Affairs. ISSN 0278-2715