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We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our conference this year is themed "Navigating crisis: dangers and opportunities in development"

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EADI News – September


From the EADI Blog
Water Operator Partnerships after 15 years: Re-politicising the debate
Andrea Beck takes stock of the state of Water Operator Partnerships (WOPs), established in 2006 by the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation. She concludes that more critical discussions are needed for WOPs to “truly contribute to the goal of safe water and sanitation for all: support for new and existing partnerships financing and investment, and best practices and lessons learned are important topics to be addressed, but there are other, more political issues – relating to power dynamics, indicators, and pro-poor service provision – that should play a larger role in the current policy debate, including at the upcoming Global WOPs Congress.”  Read the post

Save the Date: Development Studies and Climate Change: Ways Forward For Curriculum Building: on 2 and 3 December EADI will host the third expert workshop for coordinators of Development Studies programmes, this time with a focus on the climate change-development nexus and the resulting implications for building meaningful and contemporary Development Studies curricula. The workshop will take place online. If you haven’t attended previously and would like to get an impression, read this blog post on the previous event. More detailed information will follow soon, here and on the EADI website.

Highlight: Beyond Climate Neutrality
The German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) has also contributed to a policy paper by the German Advisory Council on Global Change which recommends making national long-term strategies a key topic at the Glasgow climate conference in order to provide orientation for current climate policy. Up to now, countries have only been obliged to short-term ‘nationally determined contributions’ (NDCs) to climate-change mitigation. These need to become far more ambitious andalso the climate crisis and the crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic must be tackled together. Read more

EADI Events – see the EADI website.